
ShiaTent is a directory in which Shias can look for the contact information of Shia centers and entities categorized in different groups.

The main aim of this website which started working in 2021 is to create a network of Shias to keep them connected and to facilitate the process of looking for contact information about the Shia community of the world.

Users are also welcome to add any listing that the website lacks and they can evaluate the services they received from each center. The categories below are all present on this directory and a brief description of each is given here:

Places and centers: all organizations, places and centers whose activities are focused on Shiism or they provide the Shia community with specific services can be found in this section. These centers can be filtered based on the category they belong to as well as the country in which they are based.

Events: the events and ceremonies that are held for the Shia community of the world are listed here and their date and place can be found too. The users are welcome to add the events that are of high significance to the community.

Links: the websites that are preparing content or services for the Shia community can be seen in this section.

Blogs: this part of the website has created a collection of blog posts on different subjects like demographics and Shia sects. Users are welcome to read the posts and comment on them.